Your Creativity is Calling. Will You Answer?
For the last few weeks, I’ve been suggesting you have a conversation with your creativity, whether you believe yourself to be creative, and especially if you think you aren’t. Getting in touch with your creativity helps you get clear on where to take your creative practice next. Your Inner Creative has deep insights to share. If you haven’t tried this yet, download my worksheet to guide you in this conversation.
I did it myself. I had a convo with my creativity.
Here’s what it wanted me to know:
- “My deep purpose is making connections between people and things and beauty. Making more beauty with connections.”
- “You’d have a lot more fun if you let me out to play.”
- “You need to draw more. Go on Artist Dates. Go on walks again to photograph stuff. I need walks where I can see stuff.” (As opposed to the marches I do to exercise).
- I’m the part of you that’s wild, that doesn’t care what people think. That is packed with ideas. I’m super happy. The world is so full of possibilities. I LOVE that.”
- “I could bring you way more joy if you talked to me more.”
Wow. Who wouldn’t want more joy, drawing, artist dates, photography and happiness in their lives?
Or, let’s channel your Inner Creative…together
If you look around you and see a chaotic mess of creative possibilities, I can help you turn that into a profitable, sustainable business. We'll get in touch with your Inner Creative...together. Book a 15 minute chat with me to brainstorm some next steps.
What will getting in touch with your creativity teach you?
Have you tried this technique yet? If not, please check out the worksheet, and then tell me how you do. Thank you.