Clarity To Business
Refund Policy

Effective date: December 16, 2022

  1. When you order a copy of “Artists: Prosper!” Amazon fulfills your order and ships the book(s) to you. If you want to return the book for any reason, go here to see Amazon’s return policy and return process. As of this date, Amazon allows 30 days to return the book (including if damaged), but that is subject to change without notice.

  2.  If you purchased a copy of “Artists Unstuck!” or the Artist Toolkit, your order is fulfilled by If the book(s) are damaged in shipment, email to receive a replacement. We don’t accept returns, except for books that are damaged in shipment.

  3. For questions, please email, or write to 8669 E Turquoise Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85258