Make Time for Your Creative Practice
Part of showing up for your creativity is to make time for your creative practice. Creativity has to be nurtured in order to function well. And, for the last few weeks, I’ve been suggesting you have a conversation with your creativity, whether you believe yourself to be creative, and especially if you think you aren’t because this will help you know where to concentrate your creative time. (If you haven’t done it yet, try this freebie to guide you).
Are you creating at 2am?
A client, Elaine Kessler, was wrestling with a problem. Because she has a family, a thriving photography business, and occasionally wants time to herself (sound familiar?) she often found herself putting off her creative work until 11PM and not stopping until the wee hours of the morning.
Sure, it was quiet but she wasn't 19 anymore
Since Elaine wasn’t 19 years old anymore, staying awake until 2AM made the next day a fatigued blur. But she still yearned to make time for her creative practice.
So we talked to her creativity
It told her what to do. Start after everyone has gone to school and work (IN THE MORNING!). Light incense or a candle. Turn on music and put on headphones.
Start creating.
Two epiphanies
One. Signalling to herself that she was beginning the creative process with the short ritual helped her know what time it was (time to create!), and helped her sit down and do it.
Two. Her creativity had the answer.
Did you try this creativity tool yet?
Please try talking to your own creativity. This talk may help you understand what routine to make in order to honor your creative practice. Once you've had the conversation with your creativity, tell me how you do in a comment below. Or let's meet for 15 minutes and talk about how it goes!