Your Creativity Needs You to Make the Decisions
Your creativity needs you to be the adult in the room. The one who decides what ideas are viable, what creative project to work on next, and how to act. In order to make this possible, it's vital to have a conversation with your creativity, whether you believe yourself to be creative, and especially if you think you aren’t. (If you haven’t done it yet, access this freebie I created to guide you in that conversation).
Why talk to your creativity?
Because the act of talking to a part of yourself builds a very useful muscle. Not sure where this muscle is located, exactly, but it exists, because I feel it building in myself.
It’s the Internal Observer Muscle
What’s so great about this muscle? It makes it possible for you to observe your feelings without getting hijacked, seduced, or coerced by them. You have your feelings but you aren’t your feelings.
Once you can observe yourself, you automatically get the power of choice
What does this have to do with your creativity?
In the same way you have your feelings but you aren’t your feelings, you also have your creativity, but you aren’t your creativity.
Once you establish communication with it and it starts regularly feeding you ideas, (which it will, guaranteed), you’ll be able to discern which ones make sense and which ones to discard.
You become the adult in the room.
Your creativity needs you to be the adult
Its job is to generate ideas. Your job is to discern. Just like a teenager, your creativity needs the freedom to come up with crazy new stuff without worrying which of the stuff is viable and which isn’t. You’re responsible for the boundaries.
Please try having this conversation with your creativity and then tell me how you do. Thank you.
Or, let’s connect with your creativity…together
If you look around you and see a chaotic mess of creative possibilities, I can help you turn that into a profitable, sustainable business. Book a 15 minute chat with me to brainstorm some next steps.