Is There Something Necessary, Essential, and Vital About Where You Are Right Now?

What if you aren't where you want to be with your creative practice? Is your current reality, where you are right now, still sacred and necessary?

Last week I suggested asking your inner Mentor about the purpose of your work

You can find those questions here.

I suggested doing this because the purpose of your work, i.e. who you want it to impact, and how you want your work to change people, is how your clients can know you are the person they’ve been looking for. It’s a worthy, clarifying exercise.

Say that you did that...

And you found out some good stuff about your purpose, what your inner Mentor wants you to be up to in the world.

But right now you aren't measuring up to your ideal

Your creative career isn’t where you want it to be. Worse, it isn’t where you think it should be. You should be further along by now. You should be selling more books or more art, performing more frequently, building more buildings, Wherever you are, it’s not “further along,” wherever that is.

I went to my 45th year college reunion on Zoom last week

Nothing like a lethal dose of “I should have done better,” administered to myself by me.

So is all this advice I've been handing out about getting in touch with your purpose worthless?

Nope. It’s worth doing. It’s crucial to understand what you’re up to in the world.

But you're not allowed to beat yourself up with it

That’s why I'm wondering: is your current reality sacred? Is there something necessary, essential, and vital about where you are right now?

Is it the perfect place to grow into something new? To explore deeper? To pivot from? To enjoy now?

What's important about your creative practice where you are right now?

Need help answering that question? Let’s chat. Your work matters.


No One Is Living Up to Their Ideal and Why That Doesn't Matter


How to Put Your Purpose of Making Art into Your Marketing