What to Do If A Money Zombie is Running Your Life

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been writing about how to diagnose what’s causing your money problems, and what unconscious beliefs about money look like in the wild.

What does the money zombie do to you?

You might be affected by a money zombie if you have a hard time spending money on anything even though it would help you to spend it (say on the dentist or car insurance or rent), or getting paid what you’re worth (or having a hard time charging reasonable prices for your work if you’re self-employed) and you can’t seem to change your behavior. So, what do you do?

Make friends with the part of yourself that’s running your money life.

How do you make friends with your money zombie?

Have a written conversation with the part of you that is affecting money in your life. Sit in front of a new document on your computer/tablet or laptop, or get a blank piece of paper and pen. Start by asking these questions.

  1. What is your purpose?
  2. What do you want me to know?
  3. Is there anything else?

Why talk to this part of yourself?

This is the way you begin to make friends with this part of you that has, most likely, been doing its best to protect you from pain around money, probably since you were a child.

Getting acquainted will help this part of you feel heard and seen. Its motives are pure although its strategies may not be functional. Once you make the part conscious, you’ll start having a choice about whether and when it can help you, and when it’s better for it to take a back seat.

(If you think talking to parts of yourself is weird or goofy, read this blog post. It explains the process simply and succinctly).

Why is it important to make friends with this part of yourself?

Because whatever stays unconscious runs your life.

I offer individualized coaching to help you understand your money beliefs

If you have some unconscious beliefs about money that are running your life and if you’d like help making these beliefs conscious and begin to work with them, we can talk about that.

I also offer two individual coaching programs. Create Your Day Job and Sell Your Art Peacefully. If you’d like to talk about whether either of these programs would be a fit for you, please book a chat with me.

See, the money zombie's not evil. It's just misunderstood. But if you do the work, it won't be for long. In the comments below, let me know one of your current money struggles.


A Conversation with My Inner Money Zombie


How Do the “Money Parts” of Myself Act in the Wild?