A Conversation with My Inner Money Zombie

June is money month. Over the past three weeks, I’ve been writing about how to diagnose what’s causing your money problems, and what unconscious beliefs about money look like in the wild, along with how to talk to the part of you that’s running your money life.

Figuring out more about my inner money zombie using an Active Imagination conversation

I use Jungian Active Imagination conversations to get clear on how different parts of me are feeling so that I can understand how they affect the choices I make. Here is a real-life, edited conversation I had with one of the parts of me that has driven my behavior in the past. This part: There Is Never Enough Money.

Christy: May I speak to the part of me that thinks there’s never enough money?

Part: Yes.

C: What would you like me to know about you?

P: You’re always yelling at me because you think I’m greedy. I’m not. I never think there’s enough money because you think everything can be fixed with money. I think so too. I wish you had millions so you could fix some of the stuff going on in the world right now.

C: So you want more money to give away?

P: Yes. Look at all the racism and climate change problems. I WANT MONEY so I can fix them.

C: Ah. So underlying ‘not enough money’ is fear?

P: Fear and responsibility. I am terrified none of these things will be handled and I think I should step in to start handling them.

C: How can I honor you? 

P: Start by not calling me greedy. This isn’t about greed. It’s about how much stuff needs to be fixed and how it can all be fixed with money. 

C: How do you know things can be fixed with money? 

P: I don’t. But I’m not sure how else. Everyone is asking for donations right now. Don’t you want to give a bunch of money?

C: Yes. I’m just not sure if giving money is the answer. Or the only answer.

P: I just feel so powerless. Giving money to fix things would help me feel less powerless.

C: That makes sense. I wonder if we can talk about other ways to respond in addition to money. What leads you to think money will give you power over these situations?

P: It’s the only idea I have.

C: Would you be willing to explore some other options to help change happen, in addition to giving money?

P: Yes. Maybe. Just don’t blow me off. Or call me greedy and try to get rid of me.

C: Okay. I won’t. I promise. Can we talk again?

P: Please. I need to.

C: Thank you. I appreciate how much you want to help.

Every time I have an Active Imagination conversation with a part of myself, I learn something. I didn’t realize “Never Enough Money” wasn’t about buying more dresses. Now I know the part feels powerless and afraid, I can take steps to find out how I can contribute to culture change with and without money.

Beats calling myself greedy.

You may have some unconscious beliefs about money that are running your life. If you’d like help making these beliefs conscious and beginning to work with them, we can talk about that.

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How to Put in the Work to Uncover Your Unconscious Money Beliefs


What to Do If A Money Zombie is Running Your Life