They're Trying to Protect You But They're Actually Keeping You Down

You must be wondering: who are they? They're the inner parts of yourself who try to protect you from discomfort, and they are working overtime. Below, I get more into detail about how you can start working with those inner parts.

The first week in August I talked about the cheat sheet I put together to get you started selling your art. Sign up for my weekly emails and gain access to the Keep Calm & Sell Something cheat sheet right away. And, if you end up using it, please let me know how it goes!

a cheat sheet which lays out the steps to sell your art

What's likely to happen when your decide to sell your art?

The Creatures from the Black Lagoon will emerge from the depths. Ie, the parts of yourself who are trying to protect you from any uncomfortable feeling.

I’ve talked about this before, but in case you missed it, putting your art into the world, actually putting anything into the world that you care about, including coaching programs, classes, paintings, music, photography, will awaken some parts inside you that don’t want you to do this.


In a word: Trauma.

There’s nothing more confronting, risky, vulnerable, or dangerous to put your babies into the world and have them criticized, ridiculed, or ignored. So parts of us that are protective want to keep that from happening.

How can you begin working with these inner parts of yourself?

Here on my blog, I often write about how to better understand the different parts of yourself and have them work with you. This blog is about why the parts work so hard to protect you. And this post will tell you how to have conversations with these parts of yourself; you only have to devote 30 minutes to it.

Why am I such an advocate for these conversations with yourself?

Over many years of classes, therapy, coaching, accountability partners, and groups (all of which were helpful, just not sufficient), I’ve found that making relationships with these protective parts of myself is the most effective way to move forward in the face of this great risk.

You've read about talking to your parts but you still need help…

If you have great work to put into the world but you can’t take the first steps, or even any steps, I can help you. Book a chat and we’ll brainstorm it for 15 minutes.

Your work matters.


What Artists Have to Say About the Value of Selling Their Work


How to Get Started Selling Your Art