The Part Inside You That Protects You From Being Seen
I’ve been talking about how to stick your toe (or maybe you're up to your armpits by now) in the water to sell your artwork. First you have to do the pre-work and research your market, plus think about what product you can offer your people. Next, there is a relationship-building and pricing, and tons of decisions about how to fulfill your orders.
I’ll admit, it’s hard to take directions you’ve read on a blog and actually apply them. So, if you haven’t experimented with selling your artwork or creative stuff yet, I get it.
But chances are, the real reason it’s so hard to employ these directions isn’t because you’re distracted or you have too much other work to do or you think you aren’t ready, or even that you’re lazy. It’s none of that.
Chances are, a part inside you is protecting you from feeling the difficult emotions that arose in the past, and will surely arise again if you become visible. It disguises its efforts by covering them with excuses that sound plausible. It’s doing its best to protect you from discomfort, sadness, or scary feelings.
Have a conversation with this part of yourself
Instead of trying to beat this part, suppress it, or forcibly change its mind, having a conversation will get you further.
The next time you have 30 minutes of free time, I’ve got a suggestion for you. Take the opportunity to talk to the part of you that’s keeping you from being visible and and not allowing you to sell your artwork. Ask it if it has a name. Ask it why it’s protecting you. Ask it if you can help it feel better about you showing up in the world and sharing your creative gifts with the world. The directions are here.
This part may let you in on what it's protecting you from when it comes to being visible. This is valuable information that you can use to make headway and sell your creative work.