Taking Creative Risks Will Get You Closer to Your Idea of Success
On this blog, I've talked about how I define success, and how to assess whether you have a real business or just an expensive hobby. No surprise, a lot of my ideas about what it takes to be successful center around money. Maybe because I'm a money coach, my focus is on money, but that's certainly not the only way to define success.
In this blog post, I thought I’d give us the opportunity to think about other ways to measure success that don't involve the size of our bank accounts.
Here's one--are you taking creative risks?
Oy. You see one of mine at the top of this section. I’m learning to draw cartoons for my new book; Artists: Prosper!. That character is my rendition of the Jailer--the voice in the head of most creative people that says being visible--showing your work – is too risky and must be avoided.
My teacher is patient, kind and brilliant
But that doesn’t keep me from feeling like I’m bumbling and stumbling and unable to translate what I see in my head onto the paper.
This does not feel like success
But maybe it is. The courage to try something new… Isn’t that success by itself regardless of the outcome?
Are you trying new stuff?
If you are, I hope you feel successful just in the trying. I can’t get good at anything until I’m willing to be bad at it first. I'd love to hear about the new techniques or practices you're trying even if you still feel awkward and unsure. Leave me a comment below about what you're up to.
Money, taking creative risks...these are only two of the ways to measure success. There are many more.