I'm Marketing My Art & People Are Responding--Now What??

Today’s topic is how to make a marketing routine for yourself. It starts with looking at what you’re doing to find your people, making relationships with them, and helping them buy. Once you've done that, you'll be able to assess what's best to include in your marketing routine.

How do you make a marketing routine?

Last week, I talked about how to start finding your people, the people who need and want what you're offering for sale. This week let’s discuss making relationships with them, and what things to do to make that happen.

So you’ve started getting out there. Sending out a newsletter, interacting on social media, making personal contacts with people.

And your people are starting to express interest.

What's next??

I actually find making the bridge from someone expressing interest in what I’m doing, to an actual conversation, scary and difficult. I wrote about this before--it feels like “Hi--I’m Christy. Want to get married? Oh wait...was that too much too soon?”

I took a look at the big picture and decided what to include in my marketing routine. Here are two marketing tasks I do routinely:

First, because I send out a newsletter every week and I use an email newsletter service (MailChimp, if you’re interested, but the hot one for creatives right now seems to be ConvertKit. Not sure it matters. Getting started is what matters). Anyway, I can see who opened my emails and where they clicked. So the first place to go to begin a conversation is there. Sending an email to people who opened and clicked, and asking them if I can help.

The other way is to interact with people who have commented on my FB or IG feeds. That feels more awkward, more like the marriage proposal after the 5-minute conversation, but I’m working on it.


Work this into fifteen minutes of my day, every day.

There’s a lot of focus on WHAT to do--which email service to pick, what photos to post on IG, what keywords to use, what hashtags to follow.

But the real challenge isn’t picking the tools. It’s being consistent with them.

So, once you've decided what to include in your marketing routine, stick to it for a set time, and then assess what happens.

If you want help figuring out how to do this, book a 15 minute chat with me and we’ll brainstorm it.


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