I'm Doing Experiments to Combat My Procrastination, Can They Help You Too?
My final procrastination in 2019 was experimenting with batch-creation of Instagram stories. I hoped making a bunch in one sitting would help me make more of them, spark my inspiration about the subjects to cover, and take off the pressure to make only one story a week.
If you are procrastinating and you want help to get moving, book a 15-minute chat with me and I can help.
I sort of did the Instagram stories like I said I would. Not perfectly. Here’s what I learned.
- If someone teaches me a technical skill (i.e. how to do Instagram stories), I need to practice doing what I was taught, immediately.
- There’s no substitute for actually doing something myself. No amount of research or reading or looking at videos to find out how to do something cuts it. Reading and videos are fine. I just have to apply what I learned, to actually learn.
- Even though I revere my brain, I actually learn through my fingers.
- I dread being ‘bad’ at something when I first start to learn it. But the dread is worse than the learning itself. The pre-worry is where the pain comes. Actually experimenting with the new learning is fun.
Was it worth it to stop putting Instagram Stories and newsletter writing off?
The experiments I did to see if I could combat my procrastination were worth it. It is much faster to make 4 newsletters and a bunch of IG stories in one sitting than to worry for five days, make one, then start the worrying process again.
I’ve had positive results talking about what I have been procrastinating, in public, trying to catch up, and studying my results. I feel a bit like a workaholic suggesting this, but there are 8 days left in the year. Anything you could put into a couple of those days that would help you enter 2020 with a (peaceful) head start? Let me know in the comments below, and I'll hold you to it! We can combat the procrastination together.