Are You Taking Your Art Practice Seriously?
Recently I was talking to a friend about my current book (working title: Artists: Don’t Starve!). I caught myself downplaying it, pretending like writing it was more of a hobby than an important part of my work in the world.
To my dismay, my friend agreed. Which led me to realize that other people take me and my work as seriously as I take myself and my work. But not an atom more. They take their cue from me.
So if I want to be taken seriously, it starts with me. Same for you. And, how to take your art seriously?
For me, the first step is right under my nose. I have to treat finishing the book with the true level of importance it holds for me and for the people I want to help. Pretending it doesn’t matter that much makes me feel safe, but I don’t want to hide under that rock anymore.
What does treating yourself seriously look like for you? And, how can you create space to take your art seriously?
I decided to designate February Take Yourself Seriously Month
If you want help figuring out how to take your art seriously and make space for it to flourish, book a 15 minute chat with me and we’ll brainstorm it. Also, if you need help with money blocks, figuring out your next steps, or you just need someone to bounce ideas off of, I can help you, too. Meanwhile, I urge you to take some time to get clear on what being serious about your art practice looks like for you.
Your work matters. The person it needs to matter to most, is you.