You’ve Met the Jellyfish, Now Meet the Judge.
Before we talk about the Judge, also known as your inner critic, do you remember who we met last week? The Jellyfish. The part of all creatives that would rather we have spotless homes, cars, children, and pets, before we start making anything.
If by some miracle you escape being paralyzed by the Jellyfish’s tentacles and you are able to make something, this next voice may start talking.
This voice says things like this. Wow. That’s not as good as the work you did last week. I’m not sure you’d want anyone to see that yet. How about if you spend a little more time polishing it...maybe then it’ll be ready to show...
Never good enough, according to the Judge
So who is saying all these things about the quality of your work? This is the voice of the Judge, also known as the inner critic.
Pleased to meet you, I'm the Judge
Here’s the secret about the Judge. No matter how hard you work, rework, edit, revise, touch up, polish, perfect your work, it will NEVER be good enough.
It’s not possible to make something so perfect that the judge will be satisfied. This is the job of your inner critic, to never be satisfied.
The Judge will never be satisfied
I’ve talked a lot about the voices in your head that keep you from doing your art. The way through these voices isn’t yelling at them, denying them, or trying to affirmation them away.
Make friends with your inner critic
Weirdly, just like in marketing, making friends works with the voices in our heads too.
If you want to start making friends with your inner Judge, there are directions here about how to start. If you want help, book a 15 minute session with me and I’ll get you started.
You never know where your next friend might come from.
Your work matters.
If you are a creative and you want to get your work into the world, here are five ways I can help you.
#1 Start by watching the interviews I’ve been doing with artists, to see what other creatives do to get their work out. I’ve been interviewing an artist every week, first on Instagram Live, and then on Zoom and posting the recording to YouTube.
Next you can:
#2 Read these posts about how to start handling any trauma you’ve experienced in getting your work into the world.
#3 If you are ready to start selling your art, Download my cheatsheet: Keep Calm & Sell Something. Follow the directions in there, and tell someone else you’re doing it so you can be accountable to them. While you begin working with your trauma, the best antidote to pain is companionship and connection.
#4 If you want to make yourself a day job (which means starting a business), get a copy of my business plan book for creatives, Passion, Plan, Profit, and find someone, or better, three other someones, and go through the book together. The book tells you how to work in a group or in pairs, and you can download the worksheets in the book here. Companionship and connection again.
#5 If you want guidance, book a free 15 minute chat with me here and I’ll get you pointed in the right direction.
Let me know in the comments below, has the Judge been criticizing you mercilessly?