Your Art's Price Matters, But Not As Much As You Think

Over the last few weeks, I’ve explored at least ten reasons why people buy art. Interestingly, though, not one of those reasons was about money. This is not to say finding the right price for your art doesn't matter. But it's not the only thing to consider, and it may not be the determining factor in whether or not people buy your art.

The price of your art takes up a lot of creatives' mental energy

As creatives, we’re all focused on how much our art costs, when price is only one of the many reasons why people buy art. (If you are looking for more info about pricing your work, I share three ways to price in these blog posts.)

Here are some others

In addition to the inspiration art brings, the aesthetic benefits, the connection to place, time, other people, to you as the artist, art can also create political, cultural and social explosions. Check out these three works to see what I mean.

Art is powerful

It’s a fact.

Do you know how people feel when they buy your art?

I made a worksheet that lists all the reasons people buy art. This is actually quite useful to know when you're trying to price your art. If you’d like it, email me and I’ll send it to you.

Our work matters.

Work with me to understand the value of and price your art

Determining the purpose of your art for you and your people, helping you figure out what you’re really doing in your business for your people, and the best way to communicate it to them are my superpowers. If you need help with this, let’s chat.


Artists: Prosper! Make Peace With Your Brain and Money + Joy With Your Art


People DO Buy Art. Here Are 4 Reasons Why.