What Art Wants You to Know in the Time of the Coronavirus
So, art in the time of the coronavirus; let's talk. I had another lovely video about making a day job for yourself that I was going to send you this week (thank you, Blue Butterfly Creative). Even though earning money as a creative person is not trivial or unimportant, not recognizing the cataclysm rolling through the world seemed like I was ignoring the earthquake happening under our feet.
Talk to your art and ask it questions
While we’re finding our ground, I’ve continued working with some artists (Emily and Alyssa) and on selling their art. One method I’m using to help them find their people is having them talk to their art directly (yes, having a written conversation with it), to see what it knows about who it wants to reach. (If you want to try this yourself, the directions are at the end of this blog post. You can even use this method for figuring out how to market.)
Art spoke to me and had a message for you, too
I decided if my clients could talk to their art I could talk to Art itself to see what it wants right now. Here’s the conversation:
Christy: What does Art have to say about what’s going on now?
Art: This chaos and pain is one of the things we metabolize. That’s one of our jobs. Not that we love being around pain, but we know what to do with it and how to spin it into gold, into understanding, into beauty, into change.
C: What help do you need?
Art: The time is perfect for us. We know that you all are fearful, worried about money, about your loved ones. We understand how hard this is. And we also know that you (artists) will also be healed in the process of doing your own art.
C: What do you want me to do?
Art: Write, of course. But also talk about the spiritual process of having things stripped away and how that leaves you space to find out what’s most crucial.
C: Thank you. Anything else?
Art: We’re everywhere right now, waiting for artists to see us and grab us and manifest us into being. It’s a perfect time to make art right now, of every kind.
C: Thank you.
Art: Grab us now.
Whether you think it’s possible/crazy/brilliant/insane to talk to entities and intelligences inside or outside of us, Art offered some excellent advice in this conversation above, that I am going to heed.
Is Art speaking to you now?
What would it be like if you did too? If you made more of your art right now, whatever it is? Especially if you’re suddenly isolated at home with more time on your hands than usual (talking to you, fellow extroverts)? Art in the time of the coronavirus could be a force for good.
If you want to brainstorm for 15 minutes about how you can make more art, or just want to connect, schedule an appointment with me here. You would be doing me a favor. Social isolation is NOT my preferred state, and like everyone else, I have more free time. I am also looking for a couple more people for my Sell Your Art beta program. We can talk about that too if you want.
If you'd like to talk to an intelligence inside or outside yourself like I did with Art, here's how
First, sit down in front of your computer, or if you like paper, get a sheet of that and a pen.
You can start with these questions, or make up your own. The sample questions are in bold.
Label who is talking the way you would if you were writing a script.
Finally, take a deep breath and start.
You: May I speak to The Part of Me That Knows Who My Audience Is/My Art/My Creative Practice/My Inspiration/or a specific creation you are working on or already made?
Part: (Usually says yes. If it says no, ask what you could do to make it feel free to talk).
You: What would you like me to know?
Part: Write down what you hear.
You: How can I help you?
Part: Write down what you hear.
You: Anything else you want me to know?
Part: Write down what you hear.
Start there. Make a brainstorming appointment with me if you need help.