The Creative Council Comes with All the Ideas; Meet Your Muse

Where do creative ideas come from? I believe there's a part inside of you that helps find and explore them. More about that below.

My new book, Artists: Prosper! Make Peace With Your Brain, and Money + Joy With Your Art is out this month for real. Although I spend the first part of the book talking about what blocks us from making art, the book isn't all troubleshooting and pain. Thank goodness.

My new book Artists-Prosper is about how artists can make money with their art by getting over money blocks
Artists: Prosper! is coming soon.

I spend the last half of Artists: Prosper! talking about the other parts of ourselves that come up with all the ideas, that embody our drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing skills, and that know the purpose of our art and why it’s important.

While I’m waiting for the live link to be up so you (and I) can order the book, I’d like to help you get in touch with these helpers. I named them the Creative Council. There are three: your Muse, your Maker and your Mentor. Let's start with your muse.

Meeting Your Muse

This is the part of yourself that comes up with all your creative ideas.

Do You Know This Part?

Would you like to become better acquainted? Get out a piece of paper and a pen, or open a new document on your computer, and ask your Muse these three questions.

  1. How do you feel about the projects I’m working on? 
  2. What do you want me to work on next?
  3. How can I best support you?

What Did You Learn?

Write a comment below and tell me. I’m giving out copies of Artists: Prosper! to people with the best stories.

If you’d like to be notified when Artists: Prosper! Is available, go here and give me your email address need link. You’ll be among the first to know.

THANKS for your support--for reading this blog, for helping me work out the ideas for the book in this writing, and for continuing to do your art, whatever form it takes.

Our work matters.

Work with me

In the meantime, helping you figure out what you’re really doing in your business for your people, and the best way to communicate it to them are my superpowers. If you need help with this, let’s chat.


The Maker Is the Part of Yourself that Knows Your Craft


What If Your Creative Work Attracts Criticism or Even Crickets?