How Seeing Other People Show Up for Creative Work Helps Me Win My Own Battles

I find creative inspiration in seeing other people being creative.

I read my horoscope every week.

I know, I know. Many of you think horoscopes are hoaxes.

They may be. But I still read mine.

Astrologer Rob Breszny writes them. In addition to horoscopes, he also links to positive news, issues a weekly challenge, and suggests ways to expand our minds.

Virtuoso exposure

Here is last week's challenge from Breszny:

"…Compile a roster of virtuosos who have developed a high level of
proficiency in extracting esthetically exciting meaning from the
fascinating chaos around us.

Expose yourself exclusively to their work, devotedly avoiding the
mediocrities' stuff, for a given period, say 30 days. Describe how this
transforms you." -Rob Breszny

Here's my list:

  • Austin Kleon "A Writer Who Draws." He blogs daily.
  • Anne Lamott Also a writer. A theme is emerging. This link is her Twitter feed.
  • William Stafford Wrote 65 VOLUMES OF POETRY before his relatively early death.
  • Iain McGilchrist (Psychiatrist and neuroscientist who wrote a book called The Master and His Emissary about the roles the left and right sides of the brain play (in case you're curious, the RIGHT SIDE is the Naster).
  • Lauren Lee A professional artist in Phoenix.

Why am I telling you about this? And, how does seeing what other creatives are working on help?

Sometimes I need creative inspiration. Focusing on getting it from 5 creatives seems do-able. Plus, seeing other people doing their work helps me win my battles with Resistance (the force that wants us to sit on the couch eating lousy chocolate and watching re-runs of Cheers instead of doing our work).

What helps you beat resistance? Do you have a virtuoso list?

Hit comment and tell me. And if you'd like help, click here to schedule a call. Two people fighting against Resistance double your odds.


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