Is There an Idea that Picked You to Bring It Into the World?

Success isn't only about how much money you have in the bank. One way I measure success is--am I finishing the projects that picked me to bring them into the world? (For a quick explanation of the concept that ideas are circulating around in the ether looking for someone to bring them into being, look to Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic).

I’ve been talking about how to define business success, particularly in ways that don’t involve money. Read about some of the other ways that aren't related to your bank account in this article.

A book picked me to bring it into the world two and a half years ago.

I’d been working with creative people and artists on their money issues, and I was looking for a way to help them that worked.

I stumbled on the idea (or it picked me) that most creative people’s experience with money and their art was traumatic, and as a result, they unconsciously did whatever they could to make sure they never earned money with their art to avoid being hurt. And as long as the trauma went unacknowledged and unrecognized, no webinar, accountability partner, affirmation, even my own awesome coaching helped. (I helped a little, I think, but often the changes didn’t stick).

This book that landed on my head in December 2018, will be published in October 2021. It’s called Artists: Prosper! Make Peace with Your Brain, and Joy+Money with Your Art. If it sounds useful to you, I hope you'll check it out.

What does it take to bring an idea into the world?

Did you commit to bringing an idea, a painting, a whole show, a dance, piece of music, or poems or a book into the world? And if so... how are you doing with your commitment? Do you know what it takes to get this idea out there?

If you want support with getting your idea into the world, let’s chat. Remember, your work matters.

I believe in your possibility to profit

If you look around you and see wild, creative possibility, I can help you make that into inspired, profitable reality. In fact, Where wild creative possibility becomes inspired, profitable reality is my new tag line. If this is something you have been yearning for, but didn’t know where to start, book a 15 minute chat with me and we’ll figure out what’s next.


How Do You Bring Your Creative Ideas to Life?


How to Make Your Creative Practice the Best It Can Be