How to Make Progress on a Creative Project

Last week, I talked about how to find the purpose of your creative project as a way to get unstuck and get moving. Today, we're continuing the conversation about how to make progress on a creative project. You can use this tool to start making more headway.

Without further ado, here’s tool #2:

Talk to the project itself

Yes. I’m suggesting you have a conversation with your project. Yes I know it’s an inanimate object. Suspend your disbelief for a minute and try it. So how to do you talk to your project? Here’s how it looks for me with my book, Artists Don’t Starve.

C: Hi. I’m stuck. I’m afraid I can’t finish you. Can you help me?

ADS (the book): Duh. Yes. You have to do what you already figured out, which is to write for 30 minutes 5 days a week, before 5pm.

C: I’m afraid.

ADS: That doesn’t matter. You already tried this with practicing the ukulele and you see what happened there. (Note: I committed to practicing the ‘boring stuff’ like scales and exercises on my uke for 10 minutes a day, five days a week, two months ago, instead of plinking around on songs and then giving up in frustration. My playing has improved significantly AND it’s more fun. Weird.).

C: Okay. I’m still afraid.

ADS: You’re just committing to 30 minutes. Not a specific number of pages or chapters. Try it tomorrow morning when you wake up and see how you feel.

C: Okay. I will.

I recommend this tip because it's worked for me in the past. And, I’ll report my progress on my book next week. 

So if you've been wondering how to make progress on a creative project, try this. Tell me what your project advises. I’ll bet it will surprise you.

Try it if you’re stuck, because your work matters. 


Another Tool to Get Yourself Moving on Your Creative Project


It’s 2021. Do You Know Where Your Projects Are?