How Good You Are, and How You Don’t Notice
How Good You Are
Almost every creative, even every small business owner I’ve ever worked with, has solved the primary problem that dogs all bigger businesses, quality.
Think about it. Once you get to a certain size, delivering consistent quality is hard and most businesses can’t do it. Airplanes aren’t falling from the sky and cars don’t careen off the road by themselves, true. Most big companies can deliver at least minimum quality.
What Happens When You Look Around
But you can look at your cell phone carrier, cable company, heck, your airplane manufacturer, and see for yourself. Delivering consistent quality is hard. May be impossible.
But Not For You
We never focus on this, though. As creative and small business people we focus on the money –
Are we selling enough. We focus on the marketing problems.
This Is Okay
We should pay attention to pricing, to building our clientele and spreading the word to the right people. But take a minute to pat yourself on the back for the level of quality that goes into your work. Quality large companies envy and can never match.
Your work is good, and it matters.
Love, Christy
P. S. My book, Artists: Prosper! can help you get more of your work into the world. Find it here.