How Does Your Inner Mentor Help You Create Art?

Did you know you have an inner Mentor that you can call on? This is the part of yourself that knows the purpose of your art. In my forthcoming book, Artists: Prosper! Make Peace With Your Brain, and Money + Joy With Your Art, I share how to get to know your inner Mentor, and create a good relationship between you.

The Mentor is only one member of the Creative Council. The Council is made up of three parts. I named them the Muse, the Maker and the Mentor, and they all support you in your creative practice.

I spend the first part of my book Artists: Prosper! talking about what blocks us from making art. But it’s not all troubleshooting and pain, thank goodness. I spend the last half of the book talking about these parts of ourselves that come up with all the ideas, that embody our drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing skills, and that know the purpose of our art and why it’s important.

While I’m waiting for the live link to be up so you (and I) can order the book, I’d like to help you get in touch with these helpers.

Would you like to become better acquainted with your inner Mentor?

Get out a piece of paper and a pen, or open a new document on your computer, and ask your Mentor these questions.

  1. What is the purpose of my art?
  2. Why do I matter as an artist?
  3. Why does my art matter?
  4. How can I remember this when I forget?
  5. How can we strengthen our relationship?

What did you learn?

Did the conversation with your inner Mentor prove fruitful? Leave a comment below and tell me. I’m giving out copies of Artists: Prosper! to people with the best stories. THANKS for your support--for reading this blog, for helping me work out the ideas for the book in this writing, and for continuing to do your art, in all the forms it takes.

My new book Artists-Prosper is about how artists can make money with their art by getting over money blocks

Meanwhile, if you’d like to be notified when Artists: Prosper! is available, go here and give me your email address. You’ll be among the first to know. Plus, I’m giving away a 30-minute coaching session to everyone who signs up to be notified. You can use it for yourself or give it to someone else.


The Book Artists: Prosper! Is Out Now!


The Maker Is the Part of Yourself that Knows Your Craft