Getting to the Heart of What Your Art Offers Other People

Because you are a creative, chances are good you do a bunch of different things. You might have trouble seeing the unifying theme that unites them all. Or you might be tempted to lump everything under a word that describes your methodology, instead of what your clients experience when they work with you. Getting to the heart of what your art does for people will make it easier to figure out who needs or wants it.

Here are some examples of getting to the heart of what your art does

Maybe you paint, but you do landscapes of your beloved Canadian forest, also portraits and commissions--paintings of people and animals and even objects of deep meaning for your clients.

Sure, “painting” describes all these different kinds of art that you do, but “Painting Your Treasures” describes it more evocatively. “I capture your treasures on canvas.” is even better. It speaks to what your art really does for people. (This is what a painter and I came up with to describe what he does. Check him out here).

Or compare “I’m a commercial photographer,” to “I capture the essence of who you are AND who you are becoming.” See Elaine’s work here.

Or “I’m a therapist,” compared to “I give clients a safe, therapeutic place to help them find joy, hope, and freedom in their lives.” See Kelly’s work here.

We all think we know what a “painter” is or a “photographer” or a “therapist.” But we don’t. Those labels don’t tell us what you can really do for us.

Let me coach you

Helping you figure out what your art really does for your people and the best way to communicate it to them are my superpowers. If you need help with this, let’s chat because your work matters. Discovering the unifying thread that runs through your work, then figuring out how to describe it so your people see they need it, is my work with you.

If this is something you have been yearning for, but didn’t know where to start, book a 15 minute chat with me and we’ll figure out what’s next.


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