Diagnose Your Money Issues Here For Free
People tell me all the time that they’re ‘too creative to handle money.” But I think it's something else at the heart of the money issues that creatives struggle with.
Is there a money-management gene?
I wondered this about myself in the past--not that I’m too creative to handle money, but that I’m missing some gene that allows people to have a peaceful relationship with it.
My relationship with money has improved dramatically over the past 15 years, though, so I've discovered it’s not genetic.
It’s not that I'm “too creative” either.
Here’s how you can tell that's not what's going on. Give a pre-verbal toddler three cookies. Then take one away.
Toddlers understand addition and subtraction, even before they can talk. There’s no such thing as a missing gene or “too creative” thing going on with money. If a person who can’t talk yet gets addition and subtraction, every adult will get it too. Those are the only two skills needed to “handle” money.
Three money issues that creatives struggle with
If you’re having trouble handling, earning, saving, spending money, the problem is caused by one of three other issues that have nothing to do with intelligence, creativity or genetics.
1. Lack of education about money
The first money issue that creatives struggle with is simple ignorance. You weren’t taught about money as a kid, or in school. If this is you, this is easy to solve. The world is packed with financial information; in books, webinars, seminars, coaching programs, community college courses. The way you can tell if this is your issue or not is this: once you get the information, can you implement it?
If you know what you need to do but you can’t do it, you may be suffering from one of the other two issues.
2. Addiction to spending money
At the far end of the money problem spectrum are compulsive addicts. They are in the grips of an addiction-to incurring debt, to shopping or spending or underearning. No amount of information helps this situation.
The problem isn’t lack of information, it’s powerlessness.
It’s even possible to be a money addict/shopaholic/underearner and be a CPA or a financial planner or an accountant. Money addiction doesn’t care how educated you are about money.
The only solution I’ve ever found for this is a 12 Step program. There are two: Debtors Anonymous and Underearners Anonymous. You can go here for DA and here for UA to take their quiz and see if you’re in the addict category. If you are, either or both of these programs can help.
3. Beliefs about money
My experience is that most people who struggle with money are in the middle. You have the information you need, but something gets in the way of implementing it. What gets in the way are beliefs about money that are driving your behavior without your even being conscious of them.
If you say things like this to yourself:
1. Money is the root of all evil.
2. My work isn’t worth much.
3. If I want to make a lot of money that means I’m greedy.
4. If my work doesn’t sell, I’m worthless.
You may have some unconscious beliefs about money that are running your life. If you’d like help making these beliefs conscious and beginning to work with them, we can talk about that.
Individualized coaching to help you understand your money beliefs
My two individual coaching programs. Create Your Day Job and Sell Your Art Peacefully help creatives understand their relationship with money. If you’d like to talk about whether either of these programs would be a fit for you, please book a complimentary chat with me.
Are any of the three issues I discussed in this blog affecting you? Let me know in the comments, and let's talk about it.