As We Search for Solutions, Artists Are Taking on the Coronavirus

Life is challenging in the time of the coronavirus. I’ve wanted to come up with sure-fire business solutions for people who are laid off or who have seen their normal livelihoods evaporate in the space of a week or even a day.

What are the solutions for creatives who are going through hardship in the face of the pandemic?

There are solutions, and they are emerging. I might even come up with some of them, and maybe you will, too. But I’m not sure what they are yet.

Art is taking on the coronavirus

As solutions start to emerge, I’m going to point you to ways art is metabolizing this planet-wide cataclysm. Art is taking on the coronavirus, while making us laugh. Or at least helping us produce a grim smile.

Read here about how the Getty Museum in Los Angeles has challenged people to recreate famous art using 3 articles they find in their homes. Don’t miss the guy in the Christmas sweater over a onesie.

Watch a short episode of the Tonight Show from Jimmy Fallon’s driveway.

If you’re new to video meetings, does this look familiar?

Sidewalk art from a Florida artist.

We are facing monumental problems right now

I know art and creativity don’t erase the reality of massive unemployment and illness and hardship. But they can make it bearable.

Your work still matters and now might be the perfect time to dive back into it. Art spoke to me, and probably is talking with you, too.

I am doing two individual coaching programs. Create Your Day Job and Sell Your Art Peacefully. If you’d like to talk about whether either of these programs would be a fit for you, please book a chat with me.

Or--book a chat with me to brainstorm about any issues you’re facing in your business. You’d be doing me a favor. Do I sound like I’m in extrovert hell?

Let me know in the comments below, what's one thing that's preventing you from creating art right now? Maybe we can hash it out.


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