A Conversation with My Fear
The truth? This is one conversation with ONE part of me that's afraid. There are many others. This part was afraid about marketing.
I bolded the questions. Feel free to use them or create your own if you also have a part that fears marketing. If you're procrastinating on your marketing, often that's a cover-up for fear too.
C: Hi- can we talk?
P: Yes.
C: I feel the anxiety about marketing. Can you tell me more about what’s going on?
P.: I’m not ready for this.
C: What aren’t you ready for?
P: I am afraid.
C: Even though we know what we’re doing? (Editorial note-this was an unskillful question. It never helps to try to make a part admit they're wrong or illogical. It's just like talking to another person; no one responds to being told they're not being logical.)
P: Yes
C: What do you fear? (I should have gone to this question immediately instead).
P: Not doing it right. Not keeping up. Having boring marketing. Or stupid. Or nobody pays attention. That’s probably the worst. All this effort and money and no one cares. No one wants me.
C: That does sound scary. Is there anything I can do to help?
P: Well. Now that I said this out loud I don’t feel so scared. I guess this one newsletter doesn’t matter that much.
C: Yeah. It’s not like this one newsletter has to attract 1000 people. This is one step at a time.
P: That helps a lot. Thanks.
C: Is there anything else you want me to know?
P: Keep reminding me it’s one step at a time. Focus on each step. Do it really well. I’d love it if you could be in less of a hurry. This is part of our craft. Do it with care.
C: OK. I will. Thank you.